Thursday 9 May 2013

S.W.O.T Analysis

S.W.O.T Analysis  (LO1)


  • Illustration
  • Understanding the target audience 
  • Knowledge of music logos designs
  • Interests in music logos and music related art
  • Previous work with music based logos

  • No previous use of design software 
  • Limited knowledge with design processes 
  • No previous knowledge of working with client on a live brief
  • Limited knowledge of time planning related with project work 
  • Limited knowledge of transferring ideas from paper to digital
  • little knowledge of how to present the final outcome 

  • Enter competitions and working on a live brief 
  • Gain understanding of working with clients
  • Learn the process taken when working on a big project
  • Develop basic knowledge of digital skills 
  • Understand the time plan 

  • Not getting the final product done on time due to lack of knowledge and understanding 
  • Final product not being up to standards due to not having the right skills

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