Thursday 9 May 2013

Editorial And Typgraphic Design

S.W.O.T Analysis


-Good level of knowledge on the background of my chosen subject (DJing and Producing, i.e Music        Industry.) 
-Previous research on my choen artist is archived and will have important use in this project.
-Computer program knowledge improved. 
-Good understanding of the Design process from the first research to the final product. 


-Photoshop knowledge is limited.
-Annotating skills are not great, I find that I am repeating myself and not really     looking into all the aspects that the work holds.
-Making the shift from paper to digital I can find hard or find that I can’t do what I wanted to do. 


-Working with music arstist and other     people in the music industry.
-Gain more understanding of professionally presenting work to a client.
-Attend Music events and speak to the people that help make them happens to get more research.
-Gain more contacts within the business.
-Work with some great inspiring people and collect imporant tips and tricks. 


-Due to personal problems I now dont have as much time I would like to complete the project.
-My Lack of knowledge in illustrator and indesign could hold me back in this project. 

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