Thursday 9 May 2013

Stefan Sagmeister (Research Task 1)

Stefan Sagmeister

Stefan Sagmeister is a designer who has been following his instinct and intuition to the fullest, having gained recognition for his unique and often provocative, visual explorations. It’s possibly his very personal and almost self-centric way to design that leads to his original approach.
A bit of history. When the Austrian born  designer moved to New York he made it his mission to work for the legendary designer Tibor Kalman at M&Co before starting his own studio in 1994. 
On May 31, 19 years after starting his NYC studio he once again surprised the crowds with renaming to Sagmeister & Walsh in a  trademark Sagmeister fashion (naked in the studio.)

Sagmeister earned Grammys for his iconic music 
packaging art (see his David Byrne CD covers). With his poster designs for the AIGA, as well as a slew of heralded personal projects. It’s safe to say that his status as a design superstar has been cemented.

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