Thursday 9 May 2013

My Brief And Development Of Skills

This Project allows me to explore into another industry that I am very passionate about whic is the music industry. I feel that I am going to enjoy this project as I can interlink graphic design with music to create my final outcome. 
During this project I will able to use the new skills that I have learnt of the last few weeks of my college course. 
Here are some of the skills that I think I will be able to use and improve during the course of this project.

Development of skills

I have been practicing kerning and using sites such as (kern me) this site proved very helpful and gave me more of an understanding about kerning. 
During this project I plan to use kerning in all type that I use to make my work look more professional. 

During this project I plan to develop my skills using Adobe Illustrator. During the Digital Skills lessons that are given on my course I have been working hard on what we have practiced and will use and develop these skills I currently have and hopefully become more advanced in these areas. 

Adobe Indesign is a new program to me as my last place of study had very limited or no access at all to macs or programs such as these. What i have learnt so far with Indesign has stuck quite quickly and I am getting the hang of things now, still there is great room for improvement and during the course of this project I shall be using and improving these skills to create my work and develop my ideas

My Brief Analysis

My brief is an interesting and insipring one as it is a competition and also gives me a wide range of opportunities to explore. 
The Society of Publication Designers is dedicated to promoting and encouraging excellence in editorial design. Every year, SPD holds a professional competition to find the best editorial design out there. Now students have the chance to be a part of this world-class event!

The section that I have chosen is to Design a two-spread story for this magazine that is a biography or interview. I am Treating this as a interview and I have chosen one of my favourite music artists to base it on. The main focus will be on a man called Jamie Jones. 

In order to create this project with understanding I must first research design layouts for a interview style reports in magazines and newpapers, major influences will come from magazines such as MixMag and DJmagazine, both have great,attractive and modern layouts to their pages that appeal to the readers. 

Also research into other designers that have influence on writen interviews and biographys will help me to understand more about the task in hand. 

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