Thursday 9 May 2013

S.W.O.T Analysis (LO1)

In this project I plan to explore the techniques and skills it takes to create a advertising logo and brand that will help me to sell myself. I will assess myslf and find out what I need to do to develop my digital skills and what it takes to understand the areas of technology that are being used within the grpahic design world today. 


- Knowledge of modern and current trends in the use of digital skills in graphic design.
- Intermediate knowledge of computer programs such as inDesign and illustrator.
- Good knowledge of processes used when starting a project and how to plan development processes though to the final outcome.
- Good knowledge of research and places to find good elements to help back up ideas.
- The understanding of what it takes to highlight/analysis personal elements


- Understanding what employers will be looking for in a potential employee.
- Idea development, knowing how much and what to include in and idea process.
-  Not having worked with a semi professional 
photogrpaher within a studio environment. 
- Skills within programs such as illustrator and inDesign need improving.
- Efficiency when creating and using design 
- Not looking at my colleagues work to get 
inspriation and sharing ideas. 


Communicating with a photogrpaher to get my ideas across to create a great final outcome.
Understanding what a photogrpaher needs to have from me before the shoot and make sure that they are on the same page as me, I feel it will be a great oportunity and will set me up for fututre work with other colleagues.


- Time is always a threat with me as I need to
improve on my planning and time consumtion of work.
- Personal issues.
- Photography studio not being avalible for the time needed.
- Relying on the photogrpaher to be there on the day of thre shoot and with all the equiptment

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